
Unexceptional from the ground

A new issue of The Catholic Social Science Review is out. From the CIA's Studies in Intelligence, Jeffrey A. Builta and Eric N. Heller on Reflections on 10 Years of Countering Terrorism. Mark Bauerlein on why liberalism is bad for literature (and a response). Let it bleed: Chris Bertram, Corey Robin and Alex Gourevitch on libertarianism and the workplace. Duncan Watts on the importance of studying the obvious. Are Democrats waking up to their Super PAC troubles? Simon Blackburn reviews Dignity: Its History and Meaning by Michael Rosen. An interview with Alison Edgley, author of The Social and Political Thought of Noam Chomsky (and part 2). What is it that draws us to geographic extremes, places that are unexceptional from the ground but hold some sort of cartographic significance? The UN’s World Heritage Programme is debating the best representations of human and natural history; they should include Chernobyl, argues Andrew Blackwell. The international language of happiness: At a United Nations conference, world leaders look beyond economic output to measure the progress and well-being of a nation. A look at what the evolution of names reveals about China.