
The deep affinities

A new issue of State of Nature is out. Lauren A. Newell (Ohio Northern): Happiness at the House of Mouse: How Disney Negotiates to Create the “Happiest Place on Earth”. The Road to Vina del Mar: Corey Robin on a glimpse of Friedrich Hayek’s intimate involvement in the Pinochet experiment and the deep affinities he and his associates saw between his ideas and the regime’s actions. From the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities, Lance Strate on how we create the conditions that conditions us. From Conversations with History, an interview with Peter Singer on utilitarianism and its implications for ethical conduct and social change. From Social Evolution Forum, what do the Mississippian and Chinese civilizations have in common? An excerpt from Eric Hoffer: The Longshoreman Philosopher by Tom Bethell (and more and more).