
The social sciences are just that

A new issue of Synthesis: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences is out. Mark Solovey (Toronto) and Jefferson Pooley (Muhlenberg): The Price of Success: Sociologist Harry Alpert, the NSF’s First Social Science Policy Architect. How do the social sciences resemble and differ from history and the physical sciences? Stop bullying the “soft” sciences: The social sciences are just that — sciences. Andrew Sayer on his book Why Things Matter to People: Social Science, Values and Ethical Life (and more). From Quadrant, Frank Salter on the war against human nature in the social sciences. Paper books in a digital era: How conservative publishers and authors almost killed off books in university social science (and part 2). An interview with Kevin A. Clarke and David M. Primo, authors of A Model Discipline: Political Science and the Logic of Representations. You can download What Anthropologists Do by Veronica Strang. Why a sociology major? Daniel Little explains. A review of Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences by Steve Keen (and more). Archaeology expands beyond traditional scope into other sciences.