
A tired cliche

Andrea Louise Campbell (MIT): America the Undertaxed: U.S. Fiscal Policy in Perspective. Writer and philosopher Julian Baggini has been commissioned by the National Trust to spend a week at the White Cliffs of Dover exploring what this much loved stretch of the Kent coast says about our Britain. The evolution of revenge porn: As he readies a new site, Is Anyone Up founder Hunter Moore proves he just can’t get enough. From Dilbert’s PHB to The Office, the incompetent manager is such a popular trope that it’s in danger of becoming a tired cliche — but a recent study has confirmed a counter-intuitive idea proposed over 30 years ago: that promoting those who perform best may, in fact, be a losing strategy. A review of Models. Behaving. Badly.: Why Confusing Illusion with Reality Can Lead to Disaster, on Wall Street and in Life by Emanuel Derman.