
The jihad against liberal professors

From Public Resistance, David Gabbar (ECU) and Karen Anijar (ASU): Suppressing Dissent? Think Tank Fascism & the Jihad Against Liberal Professors; and Juba Suoranta (Tampere) and Peter McLaren (UCLA): Socialist Pedadogy: It’s Not What the Ideologues Taught You. Eric Rauchway on Erwin Chemerinsky and Larry Summers and academic freedom in California. Steven P. Dandaneau (Tennessee): The Power Elite at 50: C. Wrights Mills’ Political Sociology in Midlife. Ulrich Oslender (Glasgow): The Resurfacing of the Public Intellectual: Towards the Proliferation of Public Spaces of Critical Intervention. [The latest issue of Bookforum includes a look back at Russell Jacoby’s The Last Intellectuals.] The legacy of the critique of academe in The Closing of the American Mind can be found in conservative inconsistencies about education, politics and homosexuality. What is an intellectual woman? An interview with Toril Moi.