
Profoundly rooted in nature

From Sapiens, a special issue on the work of IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, and its Commissions. Want to encourage eco-friendly behavior? Give consumers a nudge — don't tell them what to do. From Swans, Michael Barker on Regina Cochrane's critique of famed eco-activist Vandana Shiva. Matt Skenazy on the cheapest way to fight climate change: Block out the Sun. An interview with Peter McManners, author of Fly and Be Damned: What Now for Aviation and Climate Change? Robin Kundis Craig on why climate change means the death of sustainability. The sixth extinction menaces the very foundations of culture: Human culture is profoundly rooted in nature, yet human activity endangers the survival of entire species of plants and animals. From FDL, a book salon on Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point by Subhankar Banerjee. From HBR, Andrew Winston on how politicians who deny climate change cannot be "pro-business". The end of global warming: Noah Smith on how to save the Earth in 2 easy steps. Tales on Dark Mountain: Is there anything left for the green movement to do but assuage its grief in ritual and myth?