
Defeating death

From Transhumanity, can science resurrect the dead?; Franco Cortese on the moral imperative and technical feasibility of defeating death (and part 2); David A. Kekich on the search for a miracle longevity drug to slow, halt or reverse cell senescence; Hank Pellissier on how people who don’t want to live forever are just “suicidal”; are transhumanists “thanatophobic”? No, what’s true is deathists are “vitaphobic”; and does Bill Gates really wants to become immortal? Rick Searle on how life is already eternal, sort of. Aubrey de Grey on how we could dramatically extend healthy life (and part 2). How would you like to invest in immortality? Russian Internet mogul Dmitry Itskov is looking for backers for the world's first immortality research center. Cara Santa Maria on cryonic preservation after death: What does the science say?