
Issues facing the modern American worker

Michael J. Zimmer (Loyola): Inequality, Individualized Risk, and Insecurity. From Logos, a special section on American Labor. From Salon, a series called Working Ahead examines key issues facing the modern American worker. From Monthly Review, Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster on class war and labor’s declining share; and Joe R. Feagin reviews The Production of Difference: Race and the Management of Labor in U.S. History by David Roediger and Elizabeth Esch. David Moberg on how the AFL-CIO has a plan to save the movement. From Dissent, Colin Gordon on the arc of inequality: As union power has declined, so too has the share of national income going to wages and salaries; and the franchise fight: Andrew Elrod on how workers look to hold fast-food corporations accountable. Sophie Quinton on the Trader Joe's lesson: Companies that invest in higher salaries for low-level employees find success in a competitive market.