
New things to say

From n+1, released, unprotected, into the dark fields of the republic, we would find new things to say and, with luck, new people to say them to. Is it crazy to think we can eradicate poverty? Annie Lowrey investigates. The return of the monopoly: More mergers, fewer players — is this the end of competitive capitalism? The tribunals judging crimes in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia were intended to deliver justice for victims of genocide — but several recent cases suggest that politics may be getting in the way, says Andrew Wallis. Intelligence Explosion Microeconomics is 40,000 words taking some initial steps toward tackling the key quantitative issue in the intelligence explosion, "reinvestable returns on cognitive investments". Archaeologists find evidence that refutes current theories on the origins of the Maya. James Kalb on stupidity, a malady of the cultural elite. Routledge to publish Porn Studies journal.