
Stories are sublime

Jack Sigman (AMU): Unauthorized Humanitarian Intervention: Should Sovereignty Be Ignored? The first chapter from Thinking about the Presidency: The Primacy of Power by William G. Howell. Pity the writer who coins a term or phrase that becomes a cliche: If you’re science-fiction novelist William Gibson, author of Neuromancer (1984) and prime mover of the “cyberpunk” subgenre, you’re compelled to prognosticate endlessly on the digital future as if you’d created the Internet. Don’t be a hater: Becky Tuch on lit mags and their covers. The early balloonists may have been outright insane, but their stories are sublime: Sam Leith reviews Falling Upwards: How We Took to the Air by Richard Holmes. Are "slippery slope" arguments an example of the rhetoric of reaction? Maybe — but they're not especially conservative.