
Reasons and implications

A new issue of The Toronto Review of Books is out. Jennifer M. Grek Martin, Anatoliy Gruzd, and Vivian Howard (Dalhousie): Navigating an Imagined Middle–earth: Finding and Analyzing Text–based and Film–based Mental Images of Middle–earth through Online Fan Community. Steve Fishman on Al Gore’s Golden Years: The almost president has become the ultimate Davos Man, a moral entrepreneur and richer than Mitt Romney. There's no denying the data in support of the "Flynn Effect": human beings have gotten a lot smarter in the past several decades — Claude Fischer examines the reasons and implications. Marin Cogan on the art of the Washington photobomb: On Capitol Hill, a popular web meme is a daily fact of life. When divas attack: Heather Havrilesky on what the dueling judges of “American Idol” teach us about talent.