
Frequently reversed

Todd K. Platts (Missouri): Locating Zombies in the Sociology of Popular Culture. From the Scottish Review of Books, Neil Davidson on the battle for Adam Smith. Whitewash: The rise of an ever-diversifying voting population has the Republicans scrambling to revise their party’s racial politics — present and past. Is psychiatry dishonest, and if so, is it a noble lie? Kids should be more hungry: Dennis Prager on why feeding children is the worst, dumbest, most eeeeevil thing a school district can do. Can Australia keep beating the economic odds? Jurgen Habermas on democracy, solidarity and the European crisis. From The Village Voice’s “Studies in Crap”, Alan Scherstuhl on white supremacists' favorite Amazon Kindle e-books. Stories claiming to report useful scientific breakthroughs appear in the news media every day — but what use are they if they are so frequently reversed?