
Decoding human evolution

From the new Nautilus magazine, a special issue on What Makes You So Special. Angela Potochnik reviews Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality by Helen Longino. The first chapter from The Unpredictable Species: What Makes Humans Unique by Philip Lieberman. Decoding human evolution: New technologies allow for an unprecedented look at the origins of homo sapiens — they tell us where we came from, and with whom we mingled. Evolution shaped genes in humans and dogs that correspond to diet, behavior, and disease, according to a new study. Leslie Jamison on the uses and abuses of the human body: Can you understand human history through the history of the human body? Annalee Newitz on how humans will evolve over the next million years (and an excerpt from Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive A Mass Extinction on how human evolution prepared us to survive future disasters).