
No room to do anything

A new issue of the Journal of Conflictology is out. Nicolas Salamanca (Maastricht) and Daniel S. Hamermesh (Texas): Endophilia or Exophobia: Beyond Discrimination. Jonathan Chait on how Yuval Levin has harnessed himself, at least rhetorically, to a series of falsifiable claims; they are being falsified, but the restraints of his ideology give him no room to do anything but obfuscate. UN reinscribes Polynesia on list of non self-governing territories, France calls it "blatant interference". From Fathom, an interview with Michael Walzer on excavating the Jewish political tradition; and an interview with Richard Perle on George W. Bush, Barack Obama and the Arab Spring. Jean-Clement Martin on the multiple meanings of revolution: Upheaval, crisis and imponderables. Death of the Salesmen: Derek Thompson on technology's threat to retail jobs — should we mourn them?