
Check the web

Taha Yasseri and Mark Graham (Oxford), Anselm Spoerri (Rutgers), and Janos Kertesz (BME): The Most Controversial Topics in Wikipedia: A Multilingual and Geographical Analysis. Leigh Ellen Gray (Charleston): Thumb War: The Facebook “Like” Button and Free Speech in the Era of Social Networking. Kurt Eichenwald pieces together the largely unnoticed shift in Facebook strategy: new content, new algorithms, and new alliances, combined to power a marketing model that could have the rest of the world scrambling to catch up. The great Facebook exodus has begun. Bringing back the Internet portal: Yahoo’s mission creep is a useful case study in why web companies like Google and Facebook continue to grow their functionality and why startups keep selling to the seemingly bloated leviathans. This ambitious nonprofit wants to fact check the web.