
Getting the most

Melanie Rudd and Jennifer Aaker (Stanford) and Michael I. Norton (Harvard): Getting the Most Out of Giving: Pursuing Concretely-Framed Prosocial Goals Maximizes Happiness. Molly Knight on the Hollywood fast life of Stalker Sarah: The 17-year-old celebrity chaser is easily the most famous fan in the world. Why is there a skeptical movement? Daniel Loxton investigates. John Breuilly on a history of nationalism. Lydia DePillis on just how guilty you should feel when your new shirt says “made in X”. Can we eliminate inequality arising from corruption, sweetheart deals, and information asymmetry? Emmanuel Saez and David Grusky on the case for making tax policy our anti-inequality weapon. Alex Pareene on College Republicans’ plan for GOP rebranding: Seem tolerant. Inside tracks: James Surowiecki on the ongoing scourge of insider trading.