
Saving the planet remains a very live option

Welcome to life in the Anthropocene, a new epoch in the history of life where the impact of humanity on the Earth system is so great, we need a new term for it. Plato’s Revenge: Philip Kitcher on an undemocratic report from an overheated planet. Is Australia the face of climate change to come? Marc Tracy on why Bloomberg should give up on guns for a deadlier target: Global warming. Explaining the global warming hiatus: As global warming has plateaued, scientists are more certain than ever about the long term trend — but where did the heat go? Against environmental panic: Conservationist rhetoric has come to assume a self-flagellating, apocalyptic fervor. Brooke Jarvis on the 10 dumbest things ever said about global warming. China, U.S. make climate deal — which means that saving the planet remains a very live option. David Roberts on the Obama climate move that nobody noticed. Is Obama finally getting serious about climate change? Top aide to Obama outlines coming climate strategy.