

A new issue of Cosmos and History is out. Andrew Robinson and Athina Karatzogianni (Hull): Schizorevolutions vs. Microfascisms: A Deleuzo-Nietzschean Perspective on State, Security, and Active/Reactive Networks. Sercan Tas (Bogazici): Modernity, Camp and "Homo Sacer" in Giorgio Agamben. No one wants to be here: John Douglas Millar interviews McKenzie Wark on media theory and critical theory. From Radical Philosophy, Simon Morgan Wortham on the Nietzschean origins of Lazzarato’s indebted man. Christopher Watkin reviews Jean-Luc Nancy by Marie-Eve Morin. Megan O’Branski reviews In the Beginning, She Was by Luce Irigaray. Ever wondered what Slavoj Zizek is like in person? If you guessed a misanthropic weirdo who thinks vegetarians are degenerates and keeps his underwear in his kitchen, you would be both oddly specific and correct. Alain Badiou is making a movie about Plato with Brad Pitt and Sean Connery. International journals, they’re giving them to everybody these days — the International Journal of Zizek Studies, Baudrillard Studies, and now, Badiou Studies; unfortunately, there is currently no International Journal of Deleuze or Ranciere Studies, because there is no justice in this world. Foucault on obscurantism: “They made me do it!”