
Social theory roundup

From Not Bored!, an essay on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Situationist International; and a look at the worst book ever written by a Situationist. From, Slavoj Zizek on Stalinism and on Alain Badiou and Logiques des mondes. From Ephemera, a review of Slavoj Zizek's The Parallax View and a review of Jodi Dean's Zizek’s Politics. From Logos, an essay on the life and work of Erich Fromm; an article on thinking about Fromm and Marxism; and a look at modes of authority and the crisis of higher education. A review of Michel Foucault's Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1977-78. Form Ovi, an article on Edward Said on cultural imperialism (and part 2). A Marxist rates Thomas Jefferson above Vladimir Lenin: A review of Michael Hardt Presents the Declaration of Independence. A look at the cantankerous dispatches Karl Marx wrote as London correspondent for the New York Tribune puts the father of communism in a new light. Father of History: Bettina Aptheker's recent memoir has incited fierce debate over the legacy of her father, Marxist historian of slavery Herbert Aptheker. A year before their joint suicide French philosopher Andre Gorz penned a confession of devotion to his ill wife. Now it's a bestseller (and more from Monthly Review).