
America would look like this map

From The American Conservative, Howard Ahmanson on the old regionalism vs. the new cosmopolitan hyper-localism. Just looking at map of Maryland makes it clear it's one of the most poorly-designed states. Each tree and farm, street and courthouse of Casey Cep’s home county rests on shallow-buried stories of slavery and Civil War. Zack Beauchamp on how the South really is different — and it’s because of race. Best of all possible worlds: An effort to kickstart urban renewal in Evansville, Indiana, leads residents to take sides and artists to consider the social implications of their work. Jim Russell on the Rust Belt allure of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: How do you attract world-class talent living the dream in California to a gritty city obliterated by the shadow of New York? Keep your cool, New York and L.A.: Sommer Mathis on how the millennials flocking to D.C. redefine “hip”. Whole Foods is the Lewis and Clark of gentrification: Someone has to explore a place first and put it on your mental map. Appalachia used to be simply scary — now its hipness is frightening. Why are so many counties trying to secede from their states? Claire Suddath wants to know. Patrick Buchanan on how the spirit of secession sweeps the red states. Five of 11 Colorado counties vote in favor of secession. Nate Cohn on the 61 States of America: If all those state secession movements got their way, America would look like this map. Josh Levin on the United Sports of America: If each state could have only one sport, what would it be?