
Inside the ivory tower

From the Journal of Academic Freedom, a special issue on academic boycotts. Michael Bikard (LBS): Is Knowledge Trapped Inside the Ivory Tower? Technology Spawning and the Genesis of New Science-Based Inventions. Publish or perish: Bret McCabe on how academic publishing confronts its digital future. Jonathan Wai and Max Nisen on the complete ranking of America's 501 smartest colleges. Which bogus list of universities is the best? Mora Caplan-Bricker on the college rankings ranking. Glenn C. Altschuler reviews Ebony and Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled History of America's Universities by Craig Steven Wilder. Rob Asghar on the toughest leadership job of all — it's not what you think. William Vesterman on Rutgers, Inc., or how Thorstein Veblen explains today’s policies in higher education. Marko Milanovic on academic spam. David A. Hollinger on the wedge driving academe's two families apart: Can STEM and the human sciences get along? Anna Grzymala-Busse on how area-studies centers are vital but vulnerable. Where have all the geniuses gone? Darrin M. McMahon on how the term has become generic, and all but banished from academe. You can’t just end an era: Sangamithra Iyer on Cooper Union. What if colleges embraced affirmative action for class instead of race? Sophie Quinton investigates. Low-income students going to college is now set to become the latest thing that conservatives hate. Should public education be free? Or, perhaps, what should the phrase “free public education” mean? (and more)