
Shocking lesson

John Yoo (UC-Berkeley): Lincoln at War. Darren Patrick (York): The Matter of Displacement: A Queer Urban Ecology of New York City's High Line. Pope Francis has a few thoughts about the global economy — Neil Irwin adds these 13 charts. Erik Voeten on bargaining theory and the Iran deal: What can bargaining theory tell us about the latest agreement with Iran? Noreen Malone on why Michelle Obama is a feminist, not a "feminist's nightmare". Stewart Patrick on Machiavelli, still shocking after five centuries. The shocking lesson of The Prince isn’t that politics demands dirty hands, but that politicians shouldn’t care: Michael Ignatieff reviews books on Machiavelli. How to stop the fighting, sometimes: Bringing an end to conflicts within states is vexatious — but history provides a guide to the ways that work best. Peter Lewis reviews On Paper: The Everything of Its Two-Thousand-Year History by Nicholas Basbanes. How pop culture helped win the Cold War: James Bond had a bigger role in winning the Cold War than you might think, argues historian Dominic Sandbrook. What goes on in our minds when we see someone naked? Matthew Hutson on how the more we see of a person's body the stupider they seem. Jonathan Coppage on the dawning age of the algorithmic assistant. Jordan Zakarin on the amazing origin story of Max Landis, a Hollywood wonder boy learning to use his powers for good, not evil.