
A little red dot

A new issue of Enculturation is out. Jeremy Engels (Penn State): The Two Faces of Cincinnatus: A Rhetorical Theory of the State of Exception; and Dewey on Jefferson: Reiterating Democratic Faith in Times of War. Kara W. Swanson (Northeastern): Patents, Politics and Abortion. From continent, a special “drift” issue spans five continents, seven countries, fourteen cities, mountains, archipelagoes, plains, and a little red dot. From New York, a special issue on Reasons to Love New York 2013. From the forthcoming International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, here is the entry on Political Culture by Filipe Carreira da Silva, Terry Nichols, and Monica Brito. Indian patriots vow to defend country's women from America. John W Berry on the culture-blindness of global psychology. What does being a vegetarian say about you? Tom Jacobs investigates. Alex Wild on 13 horrifying ways to die. Sex and freedom: Peter Brown reviews From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity by Kyle Harper. Nobel winner Randy Schekman declares boycott of top science journals. Laurie Bennett on an updated view of the Kochs and the Cato Institute. Will President Obama join a think tank after his tenure ends in 2017? Emily Wang on the rise of Banksy. George Dvorsky on soft paternalism, or the future of authority and obedience. Samantha Nicole Inez Chambers on Anime: From cult following to pop culture phenomenon. Ria Misra on 9 creepy patents that will make you lose faith in humanity.