
Latin America's Left

From the Journal of Politics in Latin America, Felipe Amin Filomeno (UFSC): How Argentine Farmers Overpowered Monsanto: The Mobilization of Knowledge-users and Intellectual Property Regimes; and Gilles Serra (CIDE): Demise and Resurrection of a Dominant Party: Understanding the PRI’s Comeback in Mexico. Are Mexico's Zapatista rebels still relevant? Twenty years after the uprising, activists say Zapatistas have influenced radical movements around the world. Benjamin T. Smith on teachers, education reform, and Mexico’s Left. The challenge of global capitalism and the political recipes to get out of the crisis: Raffaele Marchetti interviews Joao Pedro Stedile of the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). Ellen Brown on public banking in Costa Rica: A remarkable little-known model. The introduction to We Created Chavez: A People's History of the Venezuelan Revolution by George Ciccariello-Maher (and on ten theses on Venezuela, the commune, and the state). Natalia C. Del Cogliano and Mariana L. Prats on the future of Kirchnerism in Argentina. Rosie Gray on how Ecuador rebrands itself as the home of Internet freedom — meanwhile, an “ongoing assault” on the press. George Anglitoiu on Cuba, the yesterday island of failed communism. When did Cuba stop being sexy? Glimmers of hope in Guatemala: Stephen Kinzer reviews From Silence to Memory: Revelations of the Archivo Historico de la Policia Nacional. From Public Books, Anthony Peter Spanakos on Latin America's Left: Between demos and kratos.