
Silicon Valley can’t stop

From The Economist, a special report on tech startups: Cheap and ubiquitous building blocks for digital products and services have caused an explosion in startups. J.J. Colao on the inside story of Snapchat: The world's hottest app or a $3 billion disappearing act? From The New Yorker, which Internet stock is the most overvalued? John Cassidy investigates. The new GE — Google, everywhere: With a string of deals the internet giant has positioned itself to become a big inventor, and reinventor, of hardware. It’s not a church, it’s just an Apple Store. Lydia DePillis on how tech’s biggest problem is one it doesn’t know how to solve. Walter Isaacson on the culture that gave birth to the personal computer. Sam Biddle on the biggest dick moves of Silicon Valley 2013; and on how Silicon Valley can't stop shit-talking itself on this new app. The Techtopus: Mark Ames on how Silicon Valley’s most celebrated CEOs conspired to drive down 100,000 tech engineers’ wages. Dean Baker on how Silicon Valley billionaires believe in the free market, as long as they benefit. Techies are the new Puritans: Noreen Malone on how Silicon Valley's ugly treatment of homeless people has a long history. Please don't let any of these tech people fuck each other and make little tech people babies. “Veep” for Geeks: Here’s the teaser for HBO’s upcoming “Silicon Valley”. From Tikkun, Allen Kanner on technological wisdom. Making it: Evgeny Morozov on how makers became the new hackers. The unconnected life: Jana Kasperkevic on growing up without internet. Carolyn Gregoire on a field guide to anti-technology movements, past and present.