
Climate in a broader context

Anneleen Kenis and Erik Mathijs (KU Leuven): Climate Change and Post-politics: Repoliticizing the Present by Imagining the Future? Jesse Reynolds (Tilburg): The International Regulation of Climate Engineering: Lessons from Nuclear Power. Shi-Ling Hsu (FSU): The Accidental Postmodernists: A New Era of Skepticism in Environmental Law. Brendon Larson (Watreloo): The Metaphorical Links between Ecology, Ethics, and Society. Dan Shahar (Arizona): Rejecting Eco-Authoritarianism, Again. Ted Stolze (Cerritos): Climate Crisis, Ideology, and Collective Action. Anne Schwenkenbecher (Melbourne): Is There an Obligation to Reduce One’s Individual Carbon Footprint? From Jacobin, Alyssa Battistoni on how there’s no way toward a sustainable future without tackling environmentalism’s old stumbling blocks: consumption and jobs — and the way to do that is through a universal basic income. Sarah Laskow on why Keystone opponents have nothing to apologize for: Stopping the pipeline will slow climate change. Courtney Humphries on how climate change may mean more crime: A new report predicts another human cost to hotter weather. Whether or not global warming leads to more war, it hurts vulnerable people. Does green improve your self-control? Mark van Vugt on why nature makes you consider the future. Apocalyptish: A UN report on climate change for the first time looks at the climate in a broader context, not as a self-contained problem (and more). Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger on global warming scare tactics. Can anyone de-wonkify climate change warnings and actually get people to listen? Kate Galbraith wants to know. Brad Johnson on 111 ways Nate Silver hire Roger Pielke Jr doesn’t like you.