
Flipping out over this

The inaugural issue of World Food Policy is out. From FT, a special report on the business of global food security. The case for more babies: Joel E. Cohen reviews What to Expect When No One’s Expecting: America’s Coming Demographic Disaster by Jonathan V. Last. In defense of narcissism: Vivian Gornick reviews The Americanization of Narcissism by Elizabeth Lunbeck (and a response by George Scialabba on “the weak self”). The Sultan of Brunei is a horrible dictator. Obama's top regulator Mary Jo White was supposed to bring a prosecutor's swagger to Wall Street — but she's whiffed on transparency. Injustice at its most basic: Natasha Lennard on how Cecily McMillan, whose case is representative of Occupy’s downfall, has been assailed and dragged through the bureaucratic mud. Bloomberg Media has never had a claim on politics, but what Bloomberg wants, it buys — and Bloomberg wants in on 2016. Jessica Goldstein goes inside the weird, romantic and ridiculously expensive world of wedding culture. We could have in store 10 or 20 years with the Democrats holding a strong hold on the presidency and the Republicans holding an equally tight hold on the Congress — maybe we're in for a longer period of impasse than a lot of us imagine. The present-day lust for ruins is nothing new; in fact, it’s nearly as old as any ruins themselves — from a flattened Louvre to Percy Bysshe Shelley, a journey to the dawn of ruin porn. You’re on the front lines of the abortion wars: Tara Culp-Ressler on America’s most hated doctors. Right-wing bloggers are flipping out over this YouTube abortion video. Are malls over? Amy Merrick wonders.