
Walk a fine line

Camelia Crisan, Alexandra Zbuchea, and Steliana Moraru (SNSPA): Big Data: The Beauty or the Beast. David E. Bloom and Dara Lee Luca (Harvard): The Global Demography of Aging: Facts, Explanations, Future. Kit Johnson (Oklahoma): Buying the American Dream: Using Immigration Law to Bolster the Housing Market. The American Dream is an illusion: Gregory Clark on immigration and inequality. How are politics and aesthetics linked in postmodern theory? Jake Pembroke explores Frederic Jameson and Zygmunt Bauman’s aesthetico-political positions. Syriza, Podemos, the SNP: The neoliberal consensus is collapsing — this could be the end of the politics of fear. Did Obama’s drone war help cause Yemen’s collapse? Jacob Silverman on paying tribute to yet another petro-tyrant: It’s been a rough week in Middle East policy for the Obama administration, though they don’t seem to realize it. Confessions of a fixer: Brad Wolverton on how one former coach perpetuated a cheating scheme that benefited hundreds of college athletes. The divorce surge is over, but the myth lives on. Pope Francis is turning into a headache for Catholic presidential hopefuls: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum must walk a fine line when dealing with the leader of their church. The media world reacts to Andrew Sullivan's departure from blogging. “Who should I root for in the Super Bowl?”: Here are 9 questions about the Super Bowl you were too embarrassed to ask.