
How long can the GOP deny climate change?

From Mother Jones, a chart shows where all the candidates stand on the world’s biggest issue. China ruins Republicans’ favorite excuse for ignoring climate change. First EPA chief William Ruckelshaus accuses Republicans of ignoring science for political gain. Amanda Marcotte on how conspiracy-theorist nutbags run House GOP, pulling the #Benghazi trick on scientists who believe in global warming — harassing with subpoenas. How Republican “thought police” enforce climate-science denial. Meet the 97 percent climate truthers: How Ted Cruz and other Republicans are even denying the scientific consensus. Rebecca Leber on how conservatives think “ice melts in summer!” is a convincing argument against climate change; and on the planet’s worst nightmare: A Republican White House. They’re not scientists: The Republican Party could be the single greatest impediment to global efforts to slow climate change — but cracks are forming in the conservative wall of denial.

How long can the GOP deny climate change? As Obama pushes climate deal, Republicans move to block emissions rules. Ben Adler on the GOP’s plan to thwart the Paris climate conference. Jonathan Chait on the Republican plot to destroy an international climate agreement. Could a GOP president scuttle a global climate deal? Yes, but it would be anything but easy.