
The privacy problem

David Cole (Georgetown) and Federico Fabbrini (Copenhagen): Bridging the Transatlantic Divide? The United States, the European Union, and the Protection of Privacy Across Borders. Stephen Schulhofer (NYU): An International Right to Privacy? Be Careful What You Wish For. The human right of privacy: Deborah Hurley reviews Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions, ed. Marc Rotenberg, Julia Horwitz, and Jeramie Scott. Michael Katell (Washington) and Adam D. Moore (Washington): Value of Privacy, Security, and Accountability. Adam D. Moore (Washington): Why Privacy and Accountability Trump Security; and Waiving Privacy Rights: Responsibility, Paternalism, and Liberty. Frederik J. Zuiderveen Borgesius, Mireille Van Eechoud, and Jonathan Gray (Amsterdam): Open Data, Privacy, and Fair Information Principles: Towards a Balancing Framework.

Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon), Curtis R. Taylor (Duke), and Liad Wagman (IIT): The Economics of Privacy. Ryan Calo (Washington): Privacy and Markets: A Love Story. Bryan H. Choi (NYLS): A Prospect Theory of Privacy. Marion Oswald (Winchester): Jordan’s Dilemma: Can Large Parties Still Be Intimate? Margot E. Kaminski (OSU): Robots in the Home: What Will We Have Agreed To? Farai Chideya on how the Facebook of the future has privacy implications today. David Shariatmadari on how privacy is starting to seem like a very 20th-century anomaly. John Herrman on solving the privacy problem by defining it out of existence.