
Big money in politics

Joseph Fishkin (Texas) and Heather Gerken (Yale): The Party’s Over: McCutcheon, Shadow Parties, and the Future of the Party System. Can unlimited contributions to political parties really reduce polarization? Free speech, big money, bad elections: David Cole reviews Madison’s Music: On Reading the First Amendment by Burt Neuborne. Andrew Prokop on how really rich people aren’t actually that good at buying their way into political office. Our democracy is starting to look a lot like oligarchy: Jon Huntsman and Tim Roemer on how money poisons our politics. Zephyr Teachout on how even corporate America wants campaign finance reform to stop crony capitalism. Lawrence Goldstone on how Citizens United’s legal roots lie in the Jim Crow Supreme Court. Nicholas Almendares (Tulane) and Catherine Hafer (NYU): Beyond Citizens United. Daniel Nemirovsky on a simple fix for big money in politics: Tax campaign spending. What are the benefits of campaign finance reform?