
The Web users’ campaign

From National Journal, a cover story on Super Donors: A small influential group of lobbyists, with their spouses, donate as much as $200,000 from their personal bank accounts per election cycle. The Web users’ campaign: Matt Bai on why candidates no longer control their candidacies. As old and new media merge, the result is that they're no longer driving the horse race: As evidenced by the ascent of Mike Huckabee, in a new media world the crowd is beginning to drive the political debate. Eric Alterman on what's really wrong with the MSM. High noon in Iowa: The first dramatic stage in the race to the White House takes place in the sparsely populated prairies of the rural Midwest. Four writers from key primary states to contribute occasional dispatches about the race. Return of the neuropundits!: Should presidential candidates have their brains scanned? The Audacity of Oprah: The combined power of Oprah & Obama could reinvigorate our embattled political landscape. Forget Hillary and Barack — the real characters vying for the Oval Office in next year's US presidential election are the wackos, the zealots, the eternally optimistic and the latest round of former Hollywood stars. Pseudopopulist conservatives have destroyed reason: A look at how conservatives manipulate people into voting against their best interests.