
Stories we tell about China

Diana Fu (Toronto): Disguised Collective Action in China. Suzanne E. Scoggins and Kevin J. O'Brien (UC-Berkeley): China’s Unhappy Police. Why does China care so much about the South China Sea? Here are 5 reasons. Bianca Bosker on how China’s ban on “weird” architecture is a global power play. Zheping Huang goes inside the Global Times, China’s hawkish, belligerent state tabloid. Revamped Chinese history journal Yanhuang Chunqiu welcomes hard-line writers. China’s twilight years: The country’s population is aging and shrinking — that means big consequences for its economy and America’s global standing. “China’s worst policy mistake”? Nicholas D. Kristof reviews China’s Hidden Children: Abandonment, Adoption, and the Human Costs of the One-Child Policy by Kay Ann Johnson (and more); and One Child: The Story of China’s Most Radical Experiment by Mei Fong.

Alex W. Palmer on the fall of China’s hedge-fund king: Xu Xiang was a legend in the country’s booming stock market — until the bubble he helped to create took him down with it. Esther Wang on moving beyond “crazy rich Asians” in the stories we tell about China. Exit the Dragon? Kung Fu, once central to Hong Kong life, is waning. A revolutionary discovery in China: Ian Johnson reviews Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Government in Early Chinese Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts by Sarah Allan.