
The paradoxes of Latin America

From The American Interest, Mario Vargas Llosa on the paradoxes of Latin America. Alvaro Vargas Llosa on the Fantastico Mr. Fox: The strange fact that Vicente Fox is looking out for Latin America's future. From The Nation, a forum on what the "No" means in the Venezuelan referendum. The beginning of the end: Yes, he's still in control, but Chavez's defeat will galvanize Venezuela's opposition movement and change his reign forever. The real story of social progress in Latin America does not come from Venezuela, so why has the left embraced Chavez with such passion? Chavismo without Chavez? Jorge Castaneda on what the future holds for Venezuela. From Monthly Review, an article on remembering Che Guevara, forty years on. A review of The Boys from Dolores: Fidel Castro’s Schoolmates From Revolution to Exile by Patrick Symmes.