
The fearful superpower

Deborah Boucoyannis (Harvard): The International Wanderings of a Liberal Idea, or Why Liberals Can Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Balance of Power. Roger B. Myerson (Chicago): Force and Restraint in Strategic Deterrence: A Game-Theorist's Perspective. Weighing the global league: A new study ranks world powers. The fearful superpower: It's not just Bush's fault — America is scared of the new world, and that's no way to run a hyperpower. From The Nation, what GWOT has wrought: George W. Bush's "global war against terror" unleashed a wave of repression felt around the globe. Reports from Egypt, El Salvador, the Philippines, Thailand and Pakistan. Look who talks to the enemy: Seven years of George W. Bush’s Don’t-Talk-to-Evil policy are over, even under the helm of the administration that crafted it. Axis of Evil: Here's the yearly status report for the world’s most evil—and well organized—leaders.