
Republicans need a reboot for their 2017 legislative strategy

The key thing to understanding the debate over health care policy in the United States is that it's not really about health care policy, it's about money. Trump suggests GOP needs until 2018 to craft “wonderful” Obamacare replacement. Obamacare repeal is failing because it was based on a lie. How Republicans can save themselves from their Obamacare trap. Trump’s infrastructure plan looked like an easy bipartisan win — not anymore: “You can't work with a president who is eroding the Constitution”. Red-state Democrats not rushing to help Republicans just yet, so it is beginning to look like Republicans need a reboot for their 2017 legislative strategy.

The Republicans are off to a pitiful start: They control the government, but their Faustian bargain with Trump has been a miserable failure thus far. We are seeing a return of the Mayberry Machiavellis: Conservative rule is going to end disastrously if both Trump and congressional Republicans don't spend a little more time on policy analysis and implementation issues. Bracing for Trump's revenge: Some conservatives unequivocally opposed his election — now he’s the president, with all the levers of government at his disposal.