
Government by white nationalism

Derek Stanovsky (Appalachian State): Remix Racism: The Visual Politics of the “Alt-Right”. The Trump administration is showing white nationalists it won’t fight them at all. “Trump is setting us free”: White supremacists celebrate reports that Trump will dial down scrutiny. Trump promised white supremacy — now he’s delivering it. Government by white nationalism is upon us: It’s not just rhetoric anymore — it’s a political program that could set American democracy back 150 years. It’s already happened here: Trump is a familiar figure, a manifestation of deep-seated will-to-white-male power. Edging closer to militancy, the neo-Confederate League of the South says it's forming a Southern Defense Force to combat the “leftist menace to our historic Christian civilization”.

Steve Bannon carries battles to another influential hub: The Vatican. Steve Bannon believes the apocalypse is coming and war is inevitable — “the great Fourth Turning in American history”. Bannon film outline warned U.S. could turn into “Islamic States of America”. Steve Bannon claims U.S. Jews are behind the “Muslim invasion”. How did Sebastian Gorka go from the anti-Muslim fringe to White House aide? National Security Council staffer Michael Anton derided Islam, immigration and diversity, embraced an anti-Semitic past.

House Republicans avoid voting on a resolution stating that the Holocaust targeted Jews.