
The next phase of Brexit

Tore Vincent Olsen and Christian F. Rostboll (Copenhagen): Why Withdrawal from the European Union is Undemocratic. Tobias Lock and Tom Gerald Daly (Edinburgh): Brexit and the British Bill of Rights. Wolf-Georg Ringe (Hamburg): The Irrelevance of Brexit for the European Financial Market. Brexit, pursued by despair: Brexit is just the latest alibi to mask the austerity con. Jonathan White on Brexit, populism and the promise of agency. Steven Corbett (Hope): The Social Consequences of Brexit for the UK and Europe: Euroscepticism, Populism, Nationalism, and Societal Division. Britain and the EU: An interview with Colin Crouch on a broken relationship.

EU officials are discussing how to fast-track an independent Scotland’s entry. Scotland’s independence vote will complicate Brexit in some very interesting ways. Brexit was an English vote for independence — you can’t begrudge the Scots the same.

Andrea Vianelli (Queen Mary): Brexit Scenarios: A Reasoned Overview. So what now? A few frequently asked questions on Brexit. The next phase of Brexit is about to start — here are 4 things to watch (and more).