
Our partisan divide

Trump supporters are the most overrated force in American politics. Sorry, Trump voters, you got scammed — you’re never going to get your wall. Public dissatisfaction with Washington weighs on the GOP. The rehabilitation of George W. Bush: Newfound warm and fuzzy feelings towards the former president can’t mask how bankrupt mainstream conservatism really is. Great books socialism: Tim Lacy on how intellectual traditions matter for movement building and identity formation (and more). Outsmarted: Rick Perlstein on the liberal cult of the cognitive elite. Debate versus persuasion: Nathan J. Robinson writes in defense of political rhetoric. Liberals need to make the case for government programs that work.

Joseph Sullivan reviews Political Correctness and the Destruction of Social Order: Chronicling the Rise of the Pristine Self by Howard S. Schwartz. Maybe liberals are so “P.C.” because conservatives keep excusing bad behavior. Enemies of the people: Angela Nagle on how hatred of the masses bridges our partisan divide. Andrew Burstein on his book Democracy’s Muse: How Thomas Jefferson Became an FDR Liberal, a Reagan Republican, and a Tea Party Fanatic, All the While Being Dead.