
Neoliberalism and Trump’s populism

It was cultural anxiety that drove white, working-class voters to Trump: A new study finds that fear of societal change, not economic pressure, motivated votes for the president among non-salaried workers without college degrees (and more and more). White fear in the White House: Young Bannon disciple Julia Hahn is a case study in extremism. Many call Trump a fascist — 100 days in, is he just a reactionary Republican? Telling Trump fans he’s betraying them won’t work. Are neoliberalism and Trump’s populism incompatible? Finally, a force that can stop nationalism in the White House: The super-rich members of Trump’s Cabinet have hobbled the ethno-nationalists — and that’s a good thing.

Here’s the trick Republicans will use to make their tax cuts permanent. Now we know Donald Trump’s plan to sell tax cuts for the rich: He’s gonna lie about it — a lot. The Trump administration seems to have a one-word solution to every problem: Deregulation.