
What Hannah Arendt’s philosophy can teach us

Michael Weinman (Bard): Arendt and the Legitimate Expectation for Hospitality and Membership Today. Marieke Borren reviews Rightlessness in an Age of Rights: Hannah Arendt and the Contemporary Struggles of Migrants by Ayten Gundogdu. Daniel Brennan (Bond): Considering the Public Private-Dichotomy: Hannah Arendt, Vaclav Havel and Victor Klemperer on the Importance of the Private. What Hannah Arendt’s philosophy can teach us about Trump, Brexit and the dangers of isolation: Sean Illing interviews Lyndsey Stonebridge, author of The Judicial Imagination: Writing After Nuremburg. What does it mean to love the world? Samantha Rose on Hannah Arendt and amor mundi.

Julen Etxabe reviews Arendt’s Judgment: Freedom, Responsibility, Citizenship by Jonathan Peter Schwartz and A Democratic Theory of Judgment by Linda M. G. Zerilli. George Prochnik on what Gershom Scholem and Hannah Arendt can teach us about evil today. Never-before-published Hannah Arendt on what freedom and revolution really mean.