
The crises of the European Union

From Critical Theories of Crises in Europe: From Weimar to the Euro, Poul F. Kjaer (Copenhagen): European Crisis of Public Power: From Weimar until Today; From the Crisis of Corporatism to the Crisis of Governance; and Poul F. Kjaer and Niklas Olsen (Copenhagen): The Re-Constitution of Europe. From Constellations, Jonathan White (LSE): Principled Disobedience in the EU. Maria-Jose Rodriguez-Salgado on the European Union’s future by way of its past. I spy nationalism: Former head of MI6 Richard Dearlove says that, though the White House commands our attention, Europe is the greater worry. Brexit could be the best thing that happened to the European Union.

Davor Jancic (Queen Mary): The Legacy of an Evolving Polity: Democracy, National Identity, and the Good Functioning of the EU. Colm O’Cinneide (UCL): European Social Constitutionalism. Francis Cheneval and Monica Ferrin (Zurich): Switzerland: A Future Model for the European Union? Ian Wishart, Mira Rojanasakul and John Fraher on how the euro could break up — or be saved. “Europe is suffering multi-morbidity”: John Keane interviews Claus Offe. A Franco-German bargain to save Europe: After a deluge of crises the next few years will confound the doubters. Alberto Alesina, Guido Tabellini, and Francesco Trebbi on Europe as an optimal political area: New findings.

Pietro Faraguna (LUISS): Constitutional Identity — A Shield or a Sword? The Dilemma of Constitutional Identities in the EU. Christina Eckes (Amsterdam) and Ramses A. Wessel (Twente): The European Union from an International Perspective: Sovereignty, Statehood, and Special Treatment. Vlad Perju (BC): Dual Sovereignty in Europe? A Critique of Habermas’s Defense of the Nation-State. Matthias Goldmann (Max Planck): The Great Recurrence: Karl Polanyi and the Crises of the European Union. Russian Stalinist who invented Europe: Alexandre Kojeve was one of the architects of what is now the EU — and may have been a spy for the Kremlin.

Mark A. Pollack (Temple): The New, New Sovereigntism (Or, How the European Union Became Disenchanted with International Law and Defiantly Protective of Its Domestic Legal Order). Daniel Francis (NYU): From Utopia to Apology: The European Union and the Challenge of Liberal Supranationalism. From the Congressional Research Service, a report on The European Union: Current Challenges and Future Prospects. Europe is still a superpower — and it's going to remain one for decades to come. Jan-Werner Muller reviews Europe’s Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union by Guy Verhofstadt.

You can download European Union and Disunion: Reflections on European Identity, ed. Ash Amin and Philip Lewis (2017).