
Of transgender identity

B Lee Aultman (CUNY) and Paisley Currah (Brooklyn): Politics Outside the Law: Transgender Lives and the Challenge of Legibility. Nina Hagel (Bates): Alternative Authenticities: Thinking Transgender Without Essence. Rachel McKinnon (Charleston): Allies Behaving Badly: Gaslighting as Epistemic Injustice. Eliza Steinbock (Leiden): Framing Stigma in Trans* Mediascapes: How Does it Feel to be a Problem? Terry S. Kogan (Utah): Public Restrooms and the Distorting of Transgender Identity. Stephen Rushin (Loyola) and Jenny E. Carroll (Alabama): Bathroom Laws As Status Crimes. Non-binary gender is affirmed in new legislation pending in states across the country. You can download The Transgender Studies Reader 2, ed. Susan Stryker and Aren Z. Aizura (2013).

Military transgender ban to begin within 6 months, memo says. Trump’s transgender ban in military will focus on new enlistments. White House finds solution to transgender military ban: Delay, then let Mattis decide.