
War and political violence

Pal Wrange (Stockholm): Does Who Matter? The Various Forms of Authority to Use Military Force. War or peace: Naz Modirzadeh on why international law may not have the answer. Richard Marshall interviews Helen Frowe on understanding defensive killing. Mohamed S. Helal (OSU): The Unknown Unknowns of Humanitarian War. Alaa Al Aridi (Vilnius): How Hybrid Is Modern Warfare? Andrei Miroiu on armed groups: Problems of theory and classification. What gets called “civil war”? Linda Colley reviews Civil Wars: A History in Ideas by David Armitage. The Internet is changing civil wars — watch out for these five trends. Why it’s no longer possible for any country to win a war.

From Essays in Philosophy, a special issue on war and moral psychology. Helen Frowe on Marine A and the morality of killing in war. Dusko Peulic on pacifism as an ethical response to war and political violence. Information technology can help build peace — this is how.