
Sex segregation in sports

Doriane Lambelet Coleman (Duke): Sex in Sport. Emily Bartlett and Nancy Leong (Denver): Sex Segregation in Sports as a Public Health Issue. Nancy Leong (Denver): Against Women’s Sports. Sex discrimination in sport: A challenge also for states with high standards of human rights protection? Full frontal feminism: Susan Ware on why Billie Jean King made history in the Battle of the Sexes. John Carr (New Mexico): Skateboarding in Dude Space: The Roles of Space and Sport in Constructing Gender Among Adult Skateboarders. Ricard W. Jensen and Yam B. Limbu (Montclair State) and Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi (Kean): How Does the Stadium Atmosphere at a College Football Game Affect Behavioral Intentions Across Gender Lines? The Mediating Role of Spectator Satisfaction.