
Pathologies of the Republican Party

Daniel Drezner on Dinesh D’Souza’s cramped quarters in the Ideas Industry. David Frum on Dinesh D’Souza and the decline of conservatism (and more). Your everyday Republican has some galling views. QAnon is about much more than Trump — it reveals the deep pathologies of the Republican Party. GOPus delendus est: The modern Republican Party no longer serves any legitimate purpose — it needs to be crushed and the earth salted behind it. The Republican Party is dead: Gregg LaGambina interviews Dan Pfeiffer. The conservative movement is a few Supreme Court decisions away from having unlimited power, and one sees no Cincinnatus among them. Are you still sure there’s no need to worry? The rule of law in the United States is in dismal shape. Democracy is what we make of it: Institutions won’t save us — we have to save them.