
Time for a new Voting Rights Act

Fighting to vote: Michael Tomasky reviews The Embattled Vote in America: From the Founding to the Present by Allan J. Lichtman. Alabama was bringing it: Andy Fitch interviews Carol Anderson, author of One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy (and more). Voter-suppression tactics in the age of Trump: The suppression of minority votes is the homegrown corollary of the Administration’s xenophobic rhetoric— an attempt to place a white thumb on the demographic scale. Heather Cox Richardson: “Let’s talk about today’s fears of ‘voter fraud’”. Voter suppression efforts are increasing across America — it’s time for a new Voting Rights Act. Voter fraud isn’t a problem in America — low turnout is.

Scott McLemee reviews Votes That Count and Voters Who Don’t: How Journalists Sideline Electoral Participation (Without Even Knowing It) by Sharon E. Jarvis and Soo-Hye Han; and The Turnout Gap: Race, Ethnicity, and Political Inequality in a Diversifying America by Bernard L. Fraga.