
Philosophical act

Nick Treanor (Edinburgh): The Proper Work of the Intellect. Rima Basu (Claremont McKenna): What We Epistemically Owe To Each Other. Susan Dieleman (SIU): The Roots of Rorty’s Philosophy: Catharine A. MacKinnon. Nat Hansen reviews The Crisis of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy by Avner Baz. Wittgenstein’s confession: Like Socrates, he knew that being honest with oneself is the most philosophical act of all (and more). First women of philosophy: Philosophy was once a woman’s world, ranging across Asia, Africa and Latin America — it’s time to reclaim that lost realm. The paradox of Karl Popper: The great philosopher, renowned for his ferocious attacks on scientific and political dogmatism, could be quite dogmatic. Unpublished and untenured, a philosopher inspired a cult following.