
Of migration

Shushanik Margaryan, Annemarie Paul, and Thomas Siedler (Hamburg): Does Education Affect Attitudes Towards Immigration? Evidence from Germany. David Brady (Stanford), John A. Ferejohn (NYU), and Aldo Paparo (LUISS): Political Economy and Immigration. Gerasimos Tsourapas (Birmingham): Labor Migrants as Political Leverage: Migration Interdependence and Coercion in the Mediterranean. Fabio Perocco (Ca’ Foscari): Work Precarisation and New Inequalities: The Role of Migration. Josiah Heyman (UTEP): How Does Neoliberalism Relate to Unauthorized Migration? The US-Mexico Case. Susan Frelich Appleton (WUSTL): Doing Better for Child Migrants. The “real” border crisis: The US immigration system isn’t built for kids and families.