
Babies for sale

From Reason, Ron Bailey on the end of humanity: Nukes, nanotech, or God-like artificial intelligences? An interview with futurist Vernor Vinge on techno-human superbeings. From Scientific American, a special report on confronting a world freshwater crisis; and looking for a sign?: An article on the most accurate horoscope a science magazine could ever hope to publish. From CJR, what does it mean to “tell someone’s story”? The scarcity of time and the quality of decisions: Why you shouldn’t worry about the price of gas. A review of Does Feminism Discriminate against Men? A Debate by Warren Farrell, J. Steven Svoboda and James P. Sterba. From Smart Set, rich or poor, young or old, Romans loved raising a glass to the god of wine; and plants, wind, and sunlight make good energy; oil, coal, and the atom make good exhibits. From Jewcy, an introduction to "The Protocols". Kids are coming out younger, but are schools ready to handle the complex issues of identity and sexuality? For Larry King, the question had tragic implications. Win Free Sex! An article on the never-ending charm of sexual revolution nostalgia. The infertility paradox: Why making babies is so hard. Babies for Sale: Teaching Brangelina and other celebrities how to be better economists. From IHE, a major new study of the political correctness of faculty members may challenge assumptions all around.